

  • 收稿日期:2024-03-10 修回日期:2024-05-25 出版日期:2024-06-30 发布日期:2024-07-16



膀胱癌是常见的泌尿系统恶性肿瘤之一,严重威胁着中国人民的生命健康。近年来,随着人均寿命的延长,以及人口老龄化的加速,膀胱癌的发病率和死亡率呈逐年上升趋势。提高早期膀胱癌的检出率并进行及时有效的治疗,既可改善患者的预后和生存质量,又能减轻其经济负担,但目前中国尚缺乏膀胱癌早诊早治的统一规范。因此,中国肿瘤医院泌尿肿瘤协作组的相关专家,根据近年的膀胱癌国内外指南、研究进展和临床实践经验,通过专家会议讨论、德尔菲问卷调查等形式,对专家意见进行调查汇总、归纳整理和修改完善,最终形成《膀胱癌早诊早治专家共识(2024年版)》。希望通过本共识,推进中国膀胱癌早诊早治的规范化,也为相关临床工作者提供相应的指导意见和规范依据。本共识已在国际实践指南注册与透明化平台(Practice guideline REgistration for transPAREncy,PREPARE)上注册,注册号为PREPARE-2024CN458。

关键词: 膀胱癌, 早诊早治, 共识


Bladder cancer is one of the common cancers of urinary system, which seriously threatens the life and health of Chinese population. In recent years, with the extension of life expectancy and the acceleration of aging, the incidence and mortality rates of bladder cancer are increasing year by year. Enhancing the detection rate of early bladder cancer followed by prompt and effective treatment can not only improve the prognosis and quality of life of patients, but also reduce their economic burden. However, there is still a lack of standardization for early diagnosis and treatment of bladder cancer in China. Therefore, based on the recent guidelines, research and clinical practice experience of bladder cancer, clinical experts in Urologic Chinese Oncology Group summarized and refined the opinions from expert meeting and Delphi questionnaire survey, and finally developed “expert consensus on early diagnosis and treatment of bladder cancer (2024 edition)”. We hope that this consensus will promote the standardization for early diagnosis and treatment of bladder cancer in China, and provide corresponding guidance and standardized criteria for urologic oncologist. The consensus has been registered on Practice guideline REgistration for transPAREncy (PREPARE) with the registration number PREPARE-2024CN458.

Key words: Bladder cancer, Early diagnosis and treatment, Consensus



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